Project Provide Continues to Grow

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The Provide committee worked very hard during the 2014-2015 Junior League year to expand the way we  help our foster youth. After some brainstorming the committee decided to implement Refresher Packs. These are a small storage tote packed with some basic household cleaning items and toiletries that need replaced most often. For example they have toilet paper, […]

Request A Board Member

The Junior League of Cedar Rapids is known throughout the community for the emphasis we place on developing our members’ leadership skills. Leadership linked with community efforts is the basis of JLCR’s Mission Statement.

Fostering Strength Spring 2015

On April 11, 2015, the Junior League of Cedar Rapids hosted JLCR: Fostering Strength, Iowa’s largest foster care advocacy event, a dinner and silent auction. JLCR was honored to host Dr. Jennifer Arnold, MD, MSc, FAAP as keynote speaker for this year’s event.

Are You Our Missing Piece?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Donec efficitur neque in risus vulputate, nec placerat lorem porttitor. Phasellus ligula libero, volutpat nec urna sed, pretium imperdiet dui. Vivamus efficitur vulputate tincidunt. Aenean ac est diam. Vivamus non massa laoreet, viverra quam id, convallis ipsum.

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Etiam vehicula diam in velit tristique, eu egestas neque auctor. Curabitur consequat ut purus in porta. Maecenas ligula ex, facilisis quis urna in, ultricies convallis mi. Aenean rhoncus risus nec libero hendrerit vestibulum.

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Pellentesque bibendum eu mauris vitae pretium. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer quis faucibus lacus, id convallis est.

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Aenean rhoncus risus nec libero hendrerit vestibulum. Vestibulum nec leo id neque dictum pharetra ut quis justo. Curabitur eget erat et elit consequat volutpat in in tellus.

The JLCR Scholarship Fund

The Junior League of Cedar Rapids (JLCR) Scholarship Fund is designed to help those currently within, or having recently aged out of, the foster care system afford items they need assistance financing. Items can range from sporting gear for team sports, replacement of books lost during the transition between foster homes, money for gas, or basic household items. Religiously affiliated activities will also be considered.

Butterfly Kisses 2016

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Junior League of Cedar Rapids will be hosting its 14th Annual Butterfly Kisses, a father-daughter dance, with this year’s theme based on the Disney all-time classic, Cinderella. See if the glass slipper fits on January 31st, 2016 from 1:00 pm –4:00 pm at the Hotel Kirkwood Ballroom.